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Employment Game: How to Make Your Application Stand Out

Employment Game: How to Make Your Application Stand Out

In today’s competitive job market, where millions of applications are sent daily, the assessment of your resume has evolved beyond manual review. AI-powered software, known as Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS), is now commonly used to scan and filter suitable candidates. To ensure your resume stands out, it’s crucial to tailor it to match the job specifications and comply with ATS standards. Additionally, your resume must be clear, impactful, and well-structured.

Optimize Your Work Experience Section

The work experience section is one of the most critical parts of your resume. Here’s how to make it compelling:

☛ Use a Consistent Layout and Formatting: A clean, professional look is key.
☛ Incorporate Bullet Points: Aim for a minimum of three bullet points per experience, with 1-2 additional points for the most relevant roles.
☛ Utilize Action Verbs: Start each bullet point with strong verbs like "achieved," "executed," "led," "planned," or "influenced." Avoid weaker verbs such as "helped" or "tried."
☛ Highlight Achievements: Go beyond listing duties—focus on the impact you made. Quantify your contributions: How much did you increase sales? How many customers did you interact with? What's the magnitude of the project or milestone you achieved for your company?
☛ Apply the Challenge-Action-Result (CAR) Method: Describe a challenge, the actions you took, and the results you achieved.

The Quick Tailor Process

To improve your chances of success, tailor your resume for each job application. Here’s a 5-step guide:
①. Analyze the Job Description: Identify 3-4 key terms or requirements that are most important to the employer.
②. Evaluate Fit: Determine if the position aligns with your skills and interests.
③. Update Your Resume: Incorporate the key terms/requirements into your work experiences and skills sections. You can use any of these AI tools for a more refined and customized format, and of course repetitive updates of your resume: ,teal resume-builder and
④. Highlight Measurable Results: Quantify your achievements to make them more impactful.
⑤. Proofread: Ensure your resume is error-free and polished.

Strategies to Find Employment

If you’ve struggled to find a job, it may be due to a lack of preparation or understanding of the diverse job market. Different companies and organizations have unique hiring processes, cultures, and requirements.
For example, a government office may have rigid hiring procedures and fixed pay scales, while a tech start-up may offer flexibility in compensation and work hours. Understanding the hiring context is essential to presenting yourself as the right fit.

The Three Strategies for Finding Employment

①. The Numbers Game: Apply to a large number of jobs using a quick-tailoring process for your resume and cover letter.
②. The Networking Game: Leverage your network by skillfully communicating your skills and availability.
③. The Making Opportunities Game: Connect with organizations you’re interested in, even if they don’t have a job opening, and offer your help in creative ways that showcase your value.

These strategies are designed to help you secure employment, but they can also be applied to finding contract work.
Happy hunting!

Just before you sign off✍🏼👇🏼
These two SKILLS will bring you UNEXPECTED opportunities- 👉🏼 Watch this short Video here

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Published : 11 August, 2024 | 23:55:03
Location : Africa




Thanks, Foortune5


Thanks, Lincoln


this was really insightful


Wow! This is so impactful. Thanks for sharing 🙏


Very nice content

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